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Laser Tag for Caleb's birthday |
Our family had a great weekend and it was much needed. Friday, we celebrated Caleb turning 11. He had a few friends over to spend the night and they did a ropes course, laser tag and played video games at putt putt. The laser tag was adults verses kids and the kids won every game-but it was close each time. After we returned home, there was a nerf gun war that was lots of fun. The boys stayed up pretty late and I really think everyone had a great time...especially Caleb.
Saturday was recovery day from being up until after 3am! Chris played nerf war and laser tag and was sore a little from running and had a headache, so he rested most of the day as well.
Saturday night, I took Caleb to get a new bike for his birthday. He loves it!
Sunday, our family went to Heartsong (our church). Chris shared briefly what is going on with the tumor and the peace God has given him that He is using this to draw Chris and our family closer to Him. I was so proud of him sharing that with the church. Then our church laid hands on him while we prayed for healing. It was very powerful.
Sunday after church Carley and I worked on making heart crayons for her valentines. We made two batches and they turned out really cute. She is excited about them which makes me happy.
Sunday afternoon we went to the Zermeno's Super Bowl party. As usual, it was lots of fun, great friends and good food! It was a late night, but it was totally worth it.
I am thankful that our family had such a fun weekend!
Update on Chris: He isn't sore anymore from the birthday party activities. He is going out of town tomorrow through Thursday for work (he already had this trip scheduled), so please pray the pain stays away while he is gone.
Friday morning at 9am he will have the scope procedure.
Thanks so much for your thoughts, texts, emails, FB messages, and prayers!