Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Where Do We Stand?

Well, many have asked how Chris is doing, so I thought I'd do a post to let everyone know. Chris had a tough weekend since he had the stent in from the scope on Friday. He was sore throughout the weekend from it. After he removed it Sunday evening (YEP-I said HE REMOVED IT), he was very sore for about 2 hours that night but felt better Monday morning.
He actually had a trip scheduled for work, so he traveled Monday morning and is returning home this afternoon (Wednesday). He was sore a little on his trip, but nothing too major.

So...where do we stand? We scheduled a follow up appointment for next Thursday, Feb. 21st. We will meet with the doctor and discuss results from the scope samples and figure out what is next.
Right now, we think he needs surgery to remove the top part of his left kidney. We are hoping that is what we will be told on Thursday.

Thanks again for all your prayers, hugs, thoughts, emails, and texts.
We appreciate you praying for his healing.

Happy Valentine's Day from the Brocks

1 comment:

Florence said...

Good to hear.
I love this pic!