Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day Five: POI school kids and school for the blind

Today after breakfast we headed to the building where we went to church. This time, 50 kids from the POI program were there. They were kids who had good attendance and good grades. This was a party to celebrate their hard work! About 3/4 of the kids were girls. 
We led relay games, played with the parachute, indoor baseball, indoor soccer, and more! It was a ton of fun!
After game time, we all had pizza for lunch. We ate after we served them. We ran out of plates and the POI kids were so patient. After lunch, we said adios! They were too cute and so grateful! They loved the candy we all passed out. Yum!
We made a stop by baskin robbins before the school for the blind. Everyone enjoyed a scoop of ice cream!
We spent the afternoon at a school for blind children. They were such a joy! We gave them candy too and they loved it! 
We had three piƱatas they broke and LOVED! (Not all the students were totally blind-some were just visually impaired.) They took turns and some were very strong!
After that, the kids from our team put on blindfolds and played soccer with their kids with a ball that had rocks or rice in it so it made noise. The blindfolds allowed our kids to experience being blind. 
After the game, we served cake and ice cream to the kids. They loved it!
Then, the kids sang to us. Two blind men played the piano for them and two girls played the recorder. It was beautiful. 
After that, we asked for one more song we could dance to...our interpreter said the kids from the school wouldn't dance, but we got them up and it was so great to see them dancing and smiling and laughing. Definitely one of the highlights of the trip for me. The guy playing piano played "I Will Survive" so we were even singing! Just seeing the joy on their faces was such a blessing. One person said it may be the first time people have danced with them. 
After the show and dancing, we fed them KFC chicken, fries, and a biscuit. Ruth from POI told them it was a treat for them to have fast food. Overall, we had another amazing day!

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